Saturday, January 30, 2010

Just For The Sake Of An Argument

I'm in a sorta disagreement with myself. Not like a terrible fight or anything. My two sides are just having a discussion.

The discussion in my head starts like this:

Social marketing has revolutionized advertising! Remember, when you worked at Brighton and they didn't have a Facebook page, a blog or a MySpace? You started all these things, and then people became your friend (ahh) and then your events became amazingly popular and people were always writing to you wanting to know the latest and greatest. See, see! It works!

Well, I don't know about that. I mean you are marketing to a very small group. Most of them already have season passes, so are you really generating more revenue for the resort? Check this out, and all your hopes will be dashed! From a good source and everything. Take that!

Yes, but social marketing makes things possible in advertising that could have never been done before. I mean look at me on Facebook with all my fan clubs. Doesn't that count for something?!

Oh, whatever. You're ridiculous and I can't continue to argue with you. It's just too tiring.


  1. It is kind of depressing. On the one hand, this revolution is going to bring the world closer together, make companies able to reach its prime customers, give consumers better, quicker access to information that is really pertinent, and in general make all our lives more successful (and don't forget about bringing world peace). However, reading articles such as the one you've highlighted shows the harsh reality in hard, cold numbers that will chill us to our bones.

  2. I think the biggest frustration I have when using these tools in a business setting involves evaluating my efforts. There is so much data available but no means to make sense of if it matters.

  3. I like the writing style of your blog! It makes it much easier to read.

    In regards to your comment on marketing to a very small and loyal marketing, I like to think that it's quality over quantity that matters. Cream always rises to the top, ya know?

  4. I've been slightly skeptical about the 'wonders' of social marketing until I took this class. Even though the article you posted showed hard numbers, I'm still convinced that social marketing and media are taking over the world and changing the way companies do business.

  5. That's a great article on Facebook!

    I think in order for social media marketing to really take over, there's going to need to be a shift in the overall way the wealth is generated. Click-throughs worked for banner ads, but is it sustainable for everything?
